Friday, June 28, 2024

How To Clear Disk Space on a Mac

 Running out of disk space on your Mac can slow down performance and limit your ability to store important files. Regularly clearing disk space is essential to keep your Mac running smoothly. Here’s a detailed guide on how to free up space effectively.

1. Use Built-in Storage Management Tools

macOS provides built-in tools to help you manage and optimize your storage.

Optimize Storage

Open Apple Menu: Click the Apple logo in the top left corner.

About This Mac: Select “About This Mac” and go to the “Storage” tab.

Manage: Click on the “Manage” button to open the storage management options.

Optimize Storage: Enable “Optimize Storage” to automatically remove iTunes movies and TV shows that you've already watched.

Empty Trash Automatically

Storage Management: In the storage management window, select “Empty Trash Automatically.”

Enable: This option will automatically delete items that have been in the Trash for more than 30 days.

2. Remove Unnecessary Files

Identify and delete large and unnecessary files to free up space.

Delete Downloads

Open Finder: Click the Finder icon in the Dock.

Go to Downloads: Navigate to the Downloads folder.

Sort and Delete: Sort files by size and delete those you no longer need.

Clear Cache Files

Open Finder: Click on the Finder icon.

Go to Folder: Press Shift + Command + G.

Enter Path: Type ~/Library/Caches and delete unnecessary files.

System Cache: Repeat the process with /Library/Caches.

Delete Large Files

Storage Management: Open the storage management window.

Large Files: Click on “Documents” and then “Large Files.”

Review and Delete: Review and delete large files you no longer need.

3. Uninstall Unused Applications

Remove applications you no longer use to free up significant space.

Open Finder: Click on the Finder icon.

Go to Applications: Navigate to the Applications folder.

Sort by Size: Sort applications by size to identify the largest ones.

Delete: Drag unused applications to the Trash and empty it.

4. Manage Duplicate Files

Duplicates can consume valuable disk space. Use tools to find and delete them.

Gemini 2

Download Gemini 2: Install Gemini 2 from the Mac App Store.

Scan for Duplicates: Open Gemini 2 and scan your Mac for duplicate files.

Review and Delete: Review the identified duplicates and delete them.

5. Clear Mail Attachments

Mail attachments can accumulate and take up space over time.

Open Mail: Launch the Mail app.

Preferences: Go to Mail > Preferences.

Manage Attachments: Under the “Accounts” tab, select “Remove attachments” to delete unnecessary files.

6. Move Files to External Storage or Cloud

Offloading files to external storage or cloud services can free up space.

External Drive

Connect Drive: Connect an external hard drive to your Mac.

Transfer Files: Drag and drop large files or folders to the external drive.

Cloud Storage

iCloud: Enable iCloud Drive to store files in the cloud.

Other Services: Use services like Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive to store files online.

7. Use Third-Party Cleaning Tools

For an automated approach, use third-party applications designed to clean and optimize your Mac.

CleanMyMac X

Download CleanMyMac X: Install CleanMyMac X from the MacPaw website.

Scan: Open the app and run a system scan.

Review and Clean: Review the suggested files to delete and proceed with the cleaning.


Regularly Clear Disk Space on your Mac is crucial for maintaining optimal performance and ensuring you have enough storage for important files. By using built-in tools, manually removing unnecessary files, and utilizing third-party applications, you can keep your Mac running smoothly and efficiently.

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